Harmonising T&Cs in Multi Academy Trust

I am HRM working for a newly forming MAT, and I am trying to understand the best approach in getting to a harmonised position for T&Cs.


Our MAT will be complex from a T&Cs perspective as it will comprise of:

  • ex maintained local authority schools (primary and secondary), across different council areas.
  • ex single academies (who have begun to vary elements of the handbook)
  • sixth form college


Therefore, we will have at least 4 different support staff pay scales and handbooks, and at least 3 teacher pay scales and handbooks (although much more closely related).


Whilst the existing staff will transfer in these various agreements (there is no appetite to vary any element of this). I don’t believe it can be sustained for new starters, particularly support staff (it will be impossible to justify why cleaners/receptionists/HRMs get different pay in different academies, when we are one organisation).


I have been advised in the past that school teachers and sixth form teachers are sufficiently different to be able to justify different pay scales and handbooks. I am contemplating sustaining the two separate pay scales and handbooks for new staff. What are views on this?


I envisage new starters, or internal appointments should be given a new contract against one of 3 sets of T&Cs:

-An agreed single support staff pay scale/handbook.

-A sixth form teachers pay scale/handbook

-A school teachers pay scale/handbook


Is anyone in a similar situation, grappling with different pay scales or handbooks in one MAT?


Is my view appropriate/reasonable, or is there a better way?

  • Hi, I work for a LA school where an academy closed and staff TUPE transferred. We currently have 2 pay policies, 2 pay scales for teaching staff and 2 pay scales for support staff. We are a year in from the TUPE process and have yet to look at harmonisation of T&Cs. Perhaps start by drafting the policies and contracts etc you want to potentially use and consult with staff/unions. Were previous policies contractual? And then maybe look at a whole-MAT consultation. Obviously you will need an ETO reason for your rationale to consult on. Good luck, big job ahead!
  • In reply to Louise Highmore:

    Thanks Louise, good to know I have gone on the right line.....majority of key HR policies already done and in place. (thumbs up!)
    There is no real appetite to go through a MAT wide consultation (in my experience it does more harm than good unsettling staff), hence my preference to do a stealth approach (new starters and existing staff moving within org.)
  • In reply to Jennie :

    Make sure you consult with the Unions, even if you’re only changing things for new starters. Will make your life easier in the long run!
  • I'm a trustee for a large Midlands MAT and a CEO mentor for another. You might look at the expectations of the schools joining. I've seen schools told that they can have an arm's length relationship with the MAT, only to then find the MAT wants to unify standards and centralise admin. Resistance from the schools could be a much bigger problem than pay scales.
  • In reply to Peter:

    Good advice thank you all!