HR Database Software in Schools


I work in a school which uses ISAMs for it's HR software (mainly as the school uses it for all their student data) however it is very clunky to use and near impossible to do any useful HR reports.

I was wondering if anyone uses a HR specific software in their school (Not ISAMs or SIMs) which they could recommend which also can be used for the School Workforce Census.  Also, if you wouldn't mind saying what you like/ dislike about it it would be really appreciated. 

Thank you in advance


  • Hi Ali,
    Sorry this is rather late but I missed your post at the time. I'm in a similar situation (school using iSAMS with little else other than some spreadsheets to manage HR data), and am mid-process with implementing Natural HR. It's working reasonably well so far, and I am confident that it will be the right solution for us long term - but what you gain from implementing a system that's nicely customisable is at the expense of it being an out-of-the-box solution. Ultimately it should talk to iSAMS - we've commissioned NHR to do the development work with iSAMS on this, so that we don't have data duplication to worry about.
    Very happy to talk about it off-line if that's helpful.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Hi Nina,
    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, I would be really interested in talking to you further about this especially the talking to ISAMs bit - I have just had a quick look on NaturalHR and the website doesn't really sell itself without booking a demo. Is the performance management section relevant to teachers? IE can it take into account lesson observations etc?

    Anyway, if you fancy talking more about it that would be fantastic. (I'm new-ish to this platform and wondered how I message you privately?)

    All the best
  • In reply to Ali:

    Hi Ali,
    I think you can message directly somehow - but my email is nina.waters@emanuel.org.uk. Thanks, Nina