Performance Reviews - dual roles

Morning, looking for some advice regarding employees in Schools who are currently working 2 (or 3) roles and the performance review process.  Can you please let me know how how you manage this process as am sure having 2/3 meetings is not really the answer.  What do you do?  Many thanks

  • We have several staff who report to more than one person so we agree who will take overall responsibility for appraisal and the expectation is that they will then speak to the other line manager for feedback and whether any targets are more relevant for one role or another. We have an Appraisal Grid to try and ensure that staff are evenly allocated so as not to overload anyone more than necessary.
  • Similar to Sarah, we identify a line manager for the person, and then 'functional managers' who can feed into the appraisal process. So a teacher might be appraised by their head of department as the line manager, but that HoD would get feedback from the head of year about any form tutor role, and the head of sport if the person also led a sports team, or any other responsibility held.