Hi all,
Found myself in a bit of a pickle about this one.
We've just appointed a new teacher who identifies as non binary and would like all documents, ID badges, timetables, etc have the title Mx, that's the easy part, however the teacher also wants the students to call her 'Mx Xyz' (Mx is pronounced Mix)
The teacher concerned has stated that they are happy to do a presentation to the students informing them of this, which is all good and well, however we know the students (11 to 18 year olds) will push the boundaries to get a reaction, forget or just want to be plain spiteful (not all students of course)
The teacher tied to implement this at the previous school they worked and some students obviously did as expected and got told off quite dramatically.
Can we reasonably expect our students to adopt this? what happens if they don't, won't or do not remember? Detentions? suspensions? expulsions?
So many questions I know but any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,