Leadership Competency Framework/ Development

Good morning

I was hoping to get some ideas around leadership competency frameworks or development programmes for line managers

To give some context we have recently restructured our management and have moved to a Faculty model - several staff have been promoted into new management positions that will begin from 1st September 2019. We are also expecting them to take a key role in managing staff (historically this has been done by the Head). Therefore we want to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to deal with this and be effective leaders and managers

As this is my first role in education I was wondering whether anyone had anything like this in their school already that they could maybe share or any ideas where I may get some examples from. 

Any help would be much appreciated

Thank you


  • Have you looked at ISQAM at all? We're putting six of our middle managers through the programme at the moment, and the report back has been pretty good so far.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thank you Nina I hadn't no most of the sessions are not based near us but I think it looks like a very useful framework to structure a development programme around