Research help required

I am currently considering the topic of my dissertation for my LLM in Employment Law & Practice with Robert Gordon University.

My particular interest which aligns with my professional experience is "the Impact of the Academisation Agenda on Employment Rights/Terms and Conditions of Employment in Schools in England".

This is a working title and the research is in its very early stages; indeed I am trying to establish whether there is enough scope in the subject before I pursue it to the research proposal stage. There seems to be little published research on the topic.

I would be interested in hearing from HR professionals or lawyers with experience of advising in this area, school leaders and Business Managers and representatives for any of the recognised unions and professional associations within state-funded education in England who feel they have something to contribute to the discussion.

Kind regards


  • I have been involved with a couple of MATs

    My comments from personal experience ( but others may well have other experience) is that

    - there is next to no quality literature on this

    - most Of the small defensive MATs have done nothing in this area and intend to do even less ( if that’s possible). Most EPs in these MATs aren’t interested in changes to T&Cs or adopting that different an approach to the old local authorities.

    - if there is any changes of practice it is in the larger franchise MATs but I think you will find it hard to get access / information.

    So my summary is that it’s an area that should really have had far more activity , is largely a wasted opportunity but I think you may well find it very uphill going to get a dissertation out of this.

    As I say just my experience.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith. I currently work for a MAT (not one of the conglomerates) but rapidly growing and have been involved in education governance for 13 years. Anecdotally, I know that there has been little appetite from moving away from national T&Cs especially for teachig staff but for support staff there has been more movement, often without any form of consultation. I think that the tribunal fee situation has contributed to the lack of case law in this area.
    You are right though, there is little literature in this area and I am keen to explore opinion before writing it off as it is something I am personally interested in.