I work in a school in a standalone HR role and the school has a very strict leave of absence policy. This policy allows 3 medicals paid in a rolling year and any further medicals would be unpaid, this is very similar to compassionate care arrangements etc. Any absence is recorded, lateness, sick appointments, personal, funerals, annual leave used in term time etc. We also operate a trigger system and although the leave of absence policy states that triggers are for sickness, management will use appointments, funerals and annual leave alongside these triggers. So for example if a member of staff has two medical appointments in a month then this would trigger under '2 in 12 weeks.' On top of this we also use the bradford factor termly and all these appointments are included.
As a result staff are getting pulled in for their absences for medicals and being told they've had x amount, but these have all been approved by management and are allowed within the leave of absence policy. Staff are now coming to me in droves worried about their absence records and are not going for appointments which are allowed within the policy.
I find I am struggling to get my head around this and when I've spoken to members of management they say that this needs monitoring, but I find it it contradictory to staff to say 'you're allowed to go to this doctors appointment,' and then the next week telling them they have had too many appointments.
I just want to ensure that we're being fair to staff and not causing them unnecessary stress.