Disqualification by Association legislation changes Sept 2018

As there have been changes to this legislation under the Childcare Act 2006, it seems that employees are only required to self-declare that they are not disqualified under the Act and are no longer required to notify Schools about the cautions or convictions of someone living or working in their household. 

I would be interested to know how other schools obtain this information, particularly with regard to changes in circumstances.  We usually cover this initially during the recruitment process by asking individuals to declare convictions on their application forms and we used to send out a form each year to all employees asking for information relating to convictions regarding others living within the household.  I am not sure whether we are still able to send out forms just for the self-declaration and am sure I have read somewhere that a form is no longer required.

Also, do other schools ask ALL staff to self-declare or are there roles within schools not covered by the legislation as we used to ask ALL staff to complete a Disqualification by Association form and I'm not sure that this is correct.

Any information/advice would be welcome.  Thank you.

  • Hi Sharon

    Whatever inertia / ignorance less-aware schools etc might be displaying, think it’s very clear that this loony practice has now been stopped - see eg ( from an impeccable source as well)


    Everything of course should be a *sensible* balance between individuals’ rights and liberties and clear / genuine risk, but think that any State-funded establishment that without very good reason hounded their staff on these grounds would now seriously (and rightly) risk legal action from the staff involved re breach of human rights etc.
  • In reply to David:

    Agree David was totally barking and unnecessary legislation creep that took this into schools based on little more than hysteria.