Sick Pay - Term Time employees

I'm looking for guidance - I'm HR Manager at an independent school and this issue is (probably unnecessarily!) confusing me.

A member of term-time only support staff has been off sick and is approaching the point where he would be put on to half pay (in accordance with our sickness policy). He has been signed off until end of July (after term finishes). As some of the days in July are not working days for this employee, do I assume that we stop counting the days at the point where he would not be working - or should it carry on - otherwise he will go on to half pay then back on to full pay for the holidays - which does not make sense.

Any advice gratefully received. Oh and our sickness policy is silent on term time working....

  • Would this employee normally get paid for the days after the term has finished? If not, I assume your sickness policy is along the longs of '50% of your normal salary' in which case I believe it would be justified to pay 50% on the days he would normally get paid?
  • Hi Jane

    What is the wording in your policy?

    If holidays are not to count towards the sick pay entitlement, you would pay them at the same rate that they were paid on the last day of term (either full or half pay). Then start counting days again after the holiday period (if they do not return to work).

    However, if school holidays do count as part of the entitlement, then you would change to half pay the day after full pay entitlement ends - even if that is during the holidays.

    Our policy is different for teachers and support staff sick pay - for support staff we do count the holidays out of their entitlement. We don't differentiate between term time and all year round staff, as the school holiday periods come out of their entitlement - therefore it doesn't make a difference how many weeks they work.

    Hope this helps
  • Yes, holidays are included for support staff. And weekends. However, not so for teachers. Weekends and holidays do not get calculated in their sick pay. Days off (for part timers) bar the weekend do though until the day they return. local.teachers.org.uk/.../asset-relay.cfm
    So, if your employee returned to work day 1 of the start of your academic year (first working day) then his sick pay ceased when the last sick note ran out. If he didn’t return after the summer holidays even by 1 day, (eg, he was signed off to 4 September) then it would be sick pay all through the holidays.