TLR payments for part-time teachers


We have a teacher who is on a part-time contract (0.5) and is currently in charge of Spanish.  She was being paid her TLR at 0.5 in line with her working hours however has recently queried this to say she she get the full TLR as she does the full i/c Spanish role and was never explicitly told she would be paid 0.5 for it.  I'm aware that the teachers standards say TLR are paid part-time but wondered how other school approach these situations?

My headteacher would be happy to pay her the full amount if she was on 0.8 but at 0.5 contract she is unsure, especially as it will set a precedent and the teacher would like the full amount back paid from when the role started (circa 3 years ago).

Any advice or guidance would be greatly received.

Many thanks


  • Welcome to the communities

    I think it is reasonably clear that under the STPD 2015 TLR 1 & 2 should be pro rata'ed and TLR 3 should be paid in full.

    So contractually the Teacher hasn't a recourse. Clearly it may well seem unfair is indeed they really are doing the full gambit of a TLR 1 or 2 as part of their full times hours. Of course if you are an Academy or have local autonomy on pay and conditions you might like to do what you and they agree is fair rather than what is simply in the rule book

    I am not sure I see the distinction between a 0.5 person and a 0.8 person here and I think its a very dangerous argument to start.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you Keith, that was really useful and passed on to our Head.