Support staff leaving last day of term - paid to?

Hi, just wonder what other schools do.

When any support staff work on the last day of term they are also paid for the holidays.  For example we had 2 support staff leave on the last day of term prior to the Easter hols and then were paid up to the last day of the holidays, even though the 4 weeks notice had taken them to the last day of term.  Can someone explain the rationale behind this if it is the norm. I guess it is to do with annual leave?  thank you

  • With our Support Staff they only have to give a months notice and they are paid until the that date. We do find at summer, many will hand their notice in to end their contract on the 31.08.2018, so effectively their last working day is the last day of the July term, but they continue to be paid. However, on their final salary their will be an adjustment, which is based on the fact that the annual salary is divided into 12 so that they receive an equal salary each month, even though they are not paid to work holidays, so essentially they have been underpaid some months to make an equal 12 payments. Hope that makes sense.
  • Hi
    Not the norm in my experience. It depends what is stated in their contracts. Normally staff on Green Book ts&cs have a minimum of one month's notice. So when they give notice, whether this coincides with the last day of term or not, you would calculate whether they were owed any accrued but untaken holiday. There is nothing in the Green Book that requires you to then also pay them through holiday periods unless your contracts give them this entitlement. So just calculate any leave they had accrued in that leave year (or if there was any adjustment of salary if they are term that me but paid in equal monthly instalments) and pay or deduct accordingly ( assuming you have a clause in the contract stating that you will do this calculation and may deduct in these circumstances).
  • In reply to Lisa:

    In effect, someone on TTO pay usually gets their pay actually paid in 12 equal monthly installments but calculated allowing-for the term time only requirement to attend for work and the resultant difference between statutory / contractual paid holiday entitlement pa and actual school holidays, when not needed to work / expected to be on (paid or notionally unpaid) holiday.

    Thus someone on TTO pay should either allow for this by making their effective date of termination the end of the next school holidays or - if this is more favourable to them - have their notional annual (NOT TTO) pay rate + actual paid holiday entitlement completely recalculated in line with their effective date of termination.

    - all part of the potentially-nonsensical implications of TTO pay for support staff.
  • If they work to the last day (whatever that day may be to them if they work less than 5 days a week) then they are paid to the Sunday opbefore the start of the next term/half term. So, my support staff finishing on 20 July (or before if they don’t work Fridays) will be paid to 31 Aug.