Missing Occupational Health appointments

Hi, looking for some advice please.

I have a situation where one of our TA's has been off for a few weeks due to their epilepsy and  depression.  They felt able to return to work as a change of medication meant that both conditions were brought under control.  When I had a conversation with the employee about their absence and the support they may need upon their return they talked about their initial epilepsy symptoms as the feeling of 'going blank and not feeling with it'.

Before she returned to work I informed the TA  that we would need an occupational health referral so that we would be able to understand her condition with a view to enable us to put supportive measures in place to support her back to work.

I made the initial appointment, to be told that the TA did not attend.  I met with her to explain how important it was that she attend the appointment so that we could provide the necessary support at work.  She agreed to attend the next appointment but did not attend.  The cost to the School is over £400 which we can ill afford.

I have had a meeting with the employee to gain an understanding of why she is missing her appointments and she is now saying that she had an epileptic fit prior to her first appointment and completely forgot the second.  She is also questioning the need to attend an OH appointment as feels that they will not understand the complex nature of her condition.

I am concerned that if I make another appointment (which would mean over £600 for all appointments) she will not attend and we will be none the wiser as to how she can be supported.

Can you please advise what my next steps should be as keen to support the employee but feel my efforts will be in vain and at great cost to the School.

Many thanks

  • Hi Sharon

    This employee is probably disabled under the Equality Act, so your employers walk a tightrope between avoiding unlawful discrimination and reasonable adjustments and running the operation properly.

    The employee doesn’t have immunity though from even capability dismissal , with the enormous proviso that you have to be very careful to get it right.

    You might be well advised to place it on record in a written communication, that you’re anxious to make all possible workplace adjustments to facilitate and continue return etc and are sorry that she’s chosen not to attend two successive OH appointments to this end, at a cost of £400 already. And that you won’t be making another appointment unless you can be reasonable certain she will attend and so won’t be able to access expert medical opinions about adjusting to her conditions and will therefore have to work the best you can without this information.

    Then, if absence or capability at work continues at unacceptably high level, hold a formal Hearing to consider all the aspects and her and any companions side of the story and maybe offer OH yet again but only if employee commits to attending. Try to explain ( without threatening in any way ) that you as her employers have a right ultimately to dismiss in these unfortunate circumstances, provided you follow a fair process and this is the first step.

    Is she a trade union member? - assume not, but if she is, a quiet word with the TU rep might be useful to have.

    It’s a strange OH Provider that charges such big money for missed appointments - I’d be looking at changing mine if they persisted in doing this, or at least trying to get them to arrange yet another consultation without or with reduced cancellation fee in view of what had gone before.
  • In reply to David:

    Thank you David for your sound advice as usual. I too am disappointed with the lack of support from our OH providers particularly as the owner is the Chair of Govenors. I know, it is unbelievable, but very true.

    I will write to employee with your advice as to how it is difficult to support if we are not fully informed of her conditions by OH. I don’t think we can make any further appointments until we are sure that she will attend.
  • In reply to Sharon :

    All Best with coping with it all, Sharon: sounds like a Titanic conflict of interest facing you there.....
  • We have an employee who has resisted to attend OH appointments for months, things improved, then went downhill leading in a longer absence than I suspect she would have had anyway. On speaking to her, she was just worried. She was worried what OH would share about her medical history, worried as she had never been in that situation before, worried we would change her job role.
    We have worked hard to improve the perception of OH and now she has her appointment imminently.
    Could it be that your employee doesn't fully understand the role of OH?
  • Steve Bridger

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    11 Jun, 2018 18:13

    In reply to Alex:

    Really good point, Alexandra.

    I do sometimes wonder how common this perception might be.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    interestingly we have had this very situation in a previous case where the individual would not attend her appointment and I have been mindful of this with new cases of OH referrals. It is a good point though and I do think assumptions are made as to the employee's understanding of what the OH appointment is for. Thank you
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    12 Jun, 2018 21:39

    In reply to Sharon :

    Something for all of us to note... and think about, I think.