Teacher Vacancies and advertising

Looking for some inspiration:)

We have at least 4 Class Teacher vacancies which we need to start advertising for and as you will appreciate it is not easy at the moment attracting teaching staff.  Usually we would advertise through our local council and across our Trust but unfortunately all or our Schools are in the same position.  With budget restraints we don't have much cash available to use for advertising.  Can anyone let me know which job sites (or other mediums) you have found really useful for teaching staff which doesn't involve a small fortune in fees.  Many thanks

  • We use all the usual sources (e-teach, TES, Guardian etc), and it's hard to know what offers the best value. You could get creative and use targeted adverts on social media perhaps, but so many teachers avoid those platforms that I'm not sure it would work.

    In general, I think that unless you can compete on salary or the school's desirability in itself, you need to show that someone taking on the role could gain something with you that they may not get elsewhere. That could mean opportunities for responsibilities (even if unpaid) that would help someone ambitious for career development, or it might mean real flexibility in the way that jobs are put together to allow people with other responsibilities to apply.

    One source that I think is significantly untapped at present is the number of teachers who have left the professional for one reason or another - it's something like 9% of teachers each year that go 'out of service' (ie aren't working as a teacher but aren't claiming a pension either), and those people could get tempted back with the right support and/or flexibility. As far as I'm aware, unless you offer a shortage subject there are no 'return to teaching' courses that someone in that situation can access (I looked for this for someone I know recently), but there could be some great opportunities to get some experienced-but-not-in-the-classroom-recently teachers back in your school if you put together a programme of shadowing, experience and some training - perhaps in collaboration with other local schools.

  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thanks for your helpful response Nina, I like the idea of returning teachers and will explore this further. I feel confident that there isn't really any advertising mediums I have not tapped into. Not easy! Thanks