Interview presentation

Morning all.

I have been invited to an interview at an academy and been asked to prepare a presentation.  I must admit presentation are not my strong point and to be honest I am dreading it.

Having never worked in education before I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction as to what to include.

The title of the presentation is: How can personnel management impact organisational performance. As part of the presentation you should consider what tools could help facilitate this and call on your experience by giving an actual scenario where this has been factually demonstrated. It would also be useful to relate this to the education sector, if relevant and appropriate to do so.

Many thanks


  • Helen

    Good luck!

    I don't want this to sound harsh - but you need to be capable of doing the job - so as a first stab it would be really useful if you could give some thoughts as to how to answer the question and them I and others will be more than willing to chip in with suggestions, advice and guidance.

    The question doesn't appear to be Academy specific so you can draw on your experience from your previous roles.

    It is likely that want an example that you have been involve din rather than a text book case.

    Throw some thoughts down below and we can help you refine them...

  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you Keith. as usual if its anything to do with me I immediately go in to panic mode. I took a step back, whilst in the shower actually, and realsied personnel management was recruitment absence management and the life cycle of staff. I worked on it yesterday afternoon and got 10 slides together. So fingers crossed I can control my nerves and deliver what I want it to say.

    Thanks again