Offer of employment - Debt to the School

I am wondering if anyone has advice on this.  I have recently offered a parent a role at our School but have since discovered she owes quite a lot of money in back payments for her child's meals/trips ec.  We are in the process of formalising a payment plan with her and I guess she is waiting to start the role so that she is in a position to repay.

Is there anything I should be considering from an employment perspective?  

Many thanks

  • Hi Sharon

    Watch out for whoever on the staff who knows about the debt asking you to reclaim it from her salary without authorisation!

    I'd also make sure that whoever knows about the debt is aware that they should treat the information as confidential.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thanks Elizabeth I have arranged for the Finance Manager to meet with her during the first few days to discuss a repayment plan. Do you think this should be kept outside of her pay; rather she pays the School rather than we make the deduction. I will reiterate the need for confidentiality as I know a few of the Finance team have dealings with the debts.
  • In reply to Sharon :

    Hi Sharon
    I was not clear and have confused you. I did not mean this could not be stopped from the employee’s pay by consent but that once she was on the payroll someone such as the Finance Manager might think it was ok to go ahead and stop the lot.
  • Personally I would keep the two issues entirely separate.

    One is her behaviour and actions as a parent - I am sure you have policies and procedures for that. And the other is her behaviour as a new employee.

    Personally I would not be starting her new employment journey with you by promoting this issue. It potentially gets the relationship off on the wrong foot.

    Keep the debt to her as a parent would be my advice
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith I was wondering whether this should be the case and makes perfect sense. The problem we have is over keen Finance managers who want to haul the employee over the coals for bad debt. Am glad to hear that is the advice that we should treat them separately which is how I would advise.