Blue Book or Green Book

Hi all,

One of my clients is a School in Kent. My question is - are they able to follow both the Blue book and Green Book or does it have to be one or the other? 

Kind Regards 


  • I have no idea. It will be in the green or blue book, but as a matter of principle i'd have thought that you can't pick-'n-choose between the two.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Thanks David. Those are my thoughts too.
  • In reply to Lily Toppo:

    Am I the only one confused as to what's going on?!
  • In reply to Sam:

    Its national terms and conditions for support staff in schools Sam. It gets even more exciting with teachers - they have a burgundy book! :)
  • In reply to Teresa:

    And fire fighters have a gold one!

    But to answer the OP, it depends on the status of the school and historical relationship with the unions. The Blue Book is, I believe, defunct for public sector employees in general (and has been for some years), but some school (non-teaching) employees are still covered by it because the status of the school means that changes to Ts&Cs for local govenment employees don't affect the employees of these schools.

    Green Book applies by default, but a lot of local authorities have regional agreements with their local union representatives to allow variation. When I was working in local government, we had so many variations in place that we almost never referred to the Green Book.
  • Steve Bridger

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    9 Jan, 2018 10:40

    In reply to Sam:

    Posted to the 'HR in Schools...' group, Sam (although you wouldn't know unless you looked at the 'breadcrumb' above: Home > Discussion Forums > HR in Schools and Academies
  • And the local authorities have a 'blue' book too - they well may have had another one for staff below a certain level but I may well be out of date.

    (That refers to my knowledge on that subject - not me!)
  • Thank you all for your comments.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    I think there may have been a 'white' book at some point (possibly for manual workers ins schools if i recall correctly).
    I am really showing my age now!
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    10 Jan, 2018 11:35

    In reply to David Perry:

    As David said... pick one and stick to it.

    That's what it says in my light-salmon coloured book ;)