Sickness Absence calculations/stats reporting...

Hi, I am having to produce our sickness absence percentages to the GB and need some clarity on how this should be reported.  Do I take into account every day of the month; what happens when we have school holidays during a particular month.

I would usually calculate sickness absence by total number of  of absence days (excluding weekends)  in a month/total number of  working man days available in the month*100.  Is this correct?

Do I presume that for school holidays, for example half term, I just ignore these 5 days (or however many days during the hols).

Please let me know how you work your absences out at school.  Thank you

  • Hi Sharon

    Although I'm not in a school I think the approach we use would work for you: we calculate the number of days lost as a proportion of the number of days available to work.
  • Hi Sharon, agree with Elizabeth
    I would divide the total working time lost through absence by the total time people were expected to work.
    Whether you do this in days, half days or hours will depend on the regularity of the length of people's working days
  • I echo Elizabeth's suggestion, but if your GB likes even more granularity, you may also like to break it down on a cost basis on the (arguable) proposition that the more someone is paid, the more their absence hurts the organization (also, I assume you have OSP, so it does, actually, cost money).
  • In reply to Robey:

    All really helpful responses. Thank you for taking the time to assist me with this.