Help with Interview Prep


I wondered if anyone can help me?

I have an interview for a HR Manager within an Education Trust. I've been asked to deliver a presentation at the interview. The topics are:

a)    This is a relatively new role within a recently established and growing Multi-Academy Trust.  What would you identify as the key strategic priorities for establishing a robust, quality HR service across the Trust’s family of schools?  

b)    What do you identify as the key current and forthcoming changes in education HR and what impact are these likely to have on the Trust?  What actions, as a result, would you anticipate as priority in this new role?

Please can anyone give me some tips? Education/schools are new to me.

Many thanks


  • Emma

    I'm hopeless at interviews therefore I can only offer a tongue in cheek answer to a), Its what probably needs to happen but apparently no one likes to hear it at interview stage:-

    a). Ans:- Identify all the poor performers, shirkers, those who are constantly 'ill', those who take unnecessary time off and dismiss them along.

    As for b), there must be a wealth of info on this on-line - but I guess you've had a look already.


  • a) Common culture
    Harmonisation of T&Cs
    How leadership will operate over various schools (and succession planning)
    How you will develop staff between schools
    What savings you can drive out via common process (payroll, etc)
    Communication and staff engagement at schools being "taken over"
    How your best schools will help your weaker schools

    b) Budget cuts in real terms - doing more with less
    Attracting and retaining key specialist teaching staff - sciences, maths etc
    How you develop the future leaders of the Trust
    Creating spare talent to allow you to take over more schools
    Will you use the freedom allowed on T&Cs in a Trust or just do what everyone else does
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Hi David

    Thank you, I think I'm along the right lines. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something!

    Kind regards
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith

    Thank you. These are great and include some topics that I hadn't already thought about.

    In addition I was thinking policies and procedures being consistent across the six schools? It's a new trust so I'm guessing there is work to be done there.

    Kind regards
  • In reply to Emma:

    One of the main challenges with a new MAT is (regardless of what you call it) if this a take over by one School (one Head, senior Team etc) of the other five or a true merger of near equals. Many schools (Governing Bodies and Heads) go into it thinking its a merger when in reality there tends to be one dominant Head and one dominant School/Governing body and its a take over.

    This leads to quite a lot of angst fairly soon as Schools and Heads are used to doing their own thing by and large and resent / struggle with the need to conform to another school and Head who they used to see as an equal.

    Creating the appropriate (and agreed) Governance structure alongside some serious work among the existing Heads as to how they work together may well be the first priority
  • Hi Emma,
    A colleague recently had an interview for a MAT. The founding school was adding 5 new schools to the Trust in 2018 so there was no TUPE involved. The school's main strategic priority were recruiting, developing and retaining teachers. They were also keen on HR involvement with succession planning and talent management in identifying skills sets within the leadership hierarchy and also establishing quality assurance mechanism in place.
    Yes, I agree that establishing consistent HR policy and procedures across the Academy Trust will be a key strategy.

    Good Luck with your interview.
  • In reply to Keith:

    I need to read more about how this one has been set up. The interview is on Monday so I'd best crack on! Thank you for your help.
  • In reply to Alison:

    Hi Alison

    Thank you! I was wondering about TUPE but wasn't sure how it would work. I'll steer clear given that I'm unsure. I have plenty of other things to talk about thanks to you and the others on here. I haven't used a forum for years and had forgotten how useful they are and how helpful folks are too.

    Kind regards