Special Leave Policy

Hi all

The Principals at our MAT would like the special leave policy reviewing as the policy allows an additional 18 days paid leave to TTO workers. We have found that a small few are using these days as an entitlement, we are also employing more and more all-year workers who are not entitled to all the additional paid time off under the policy (stating annual leave should be used), and lastly, I believe the policy to be discriminatory due to the religious festivals section (those who observe festivals during term time are allowed paid leave).

The policy includes the following number of paid days per academic year:

5 days bereavement leave

3  days emergency leave

5 days dependants leave

1 day for attending a close relative's wedding

1 day to move house

1-3 days for interviews

The policy itself is very dated and came across from the LA when our very first schools TUPE'd. Paid time off is also not pro rated for part time staff, of which we have many!

Staff are of course entitled to certain leave e.g. emergency, dependents, but I was going to suggest having a policy that states a staff member could have up to a number of additional paid days off (pro rata for PT staff) e.g. up to 10 paid days off to be agreed with the Principal. Therefore, if someone requires time off to look after a dependent it could all be paid, but then if they need a day off to move or to celebrate Eid this may not be if the paid entitlement has been exhausted.

I also wish to simplify the reasons for the time off - rather than splitting out as above, just say that any additional days off (outside statutory entitlements) should be agreed with the Principal e.g. moving house, religious observation, to attend a wedding etc.

Before any discussion is had with the unions I am collating internal data, but wanted to get a feel from other MATs too; What do your MATs have in place - do you breakdown the different types of leave like our current policy or do you have something else in place? How many days do you allow and are these paid?



  • Hi Kimberly

    We are a fairly new MAT and our Leave of Absence Policy comes from the original Academy, I suspect it is an LA policy.

    Like yours it splits out various leave entitlements:

    Disability Leave - up to 5 paid days
    Compassionate, Emergency or Exceptional Leave (includes dependant emergencies; funeral of immediate family member) - up to 5 paid days
    Other personal reasons e.g. child's graduation - unpaid
    Moving house - up to 2 days unpaid
    Religious festivals - up to 2 days unpaid or make up time
    Sporting events - if representing their country possibility of paid or unpaid time off
    Interviews - up to 5 paid days

    The list goes on to include bad weather, medical appointments and then statutory duties such as Jury Service.

    Whilst the leave is recorded on SIMS, there is currently no review of trends so I'm not aware if this is causing a problem. It's my intention to start a monthly absence report for the SLT but I fear the data going in to SIMS may not give the detail required.

    I would be really interested to hear how you get on with trying to do something different particularly in your negotiations with Trade Unions. I've had a quick look at the Green Book and it seems that both of our policies go beyond what's in it so there should be some scope for change.

    As the MAT grows and we become, dare I say it, more corporate I can't see such a policy being sustainable.

  • In reply to Marianne:

    Hi Marianne

    Could I ask what your disability leave is and how it is explained as I've not come across this in other MAT's policies? Is it to allow those that fall under the EA more time off outside of sick leave, and if so, how do you define disability at your MAT?

    I actually had a meeting with our CEO today who requested we do not use corporate language (we used the term stakeholders) and to try and build a more school-friendly vocabulary. There were a number of puzzled looks as quite a few of our central trust team have come from a commercial background - me included!

    It's going to be an interesting one if and when we start talks with the unions so will keep you posted.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Kimberly

    The section on Disability Leave is a legacy from a local council collective agreement, it states:

    For support staff employees only who have declared to their employer a disability as defined by the Equalities Act 2010, up to 5 days’ paid disability leave may be granted (pro rata for part time employees).

    Reasons for using disability leave might include:
    Attending a doctor’s or complementary medicine practitioner’s appointments
    Assessment for conditions such as dyslexia
    Hearing aid tests
    Training with guide or hearing dog
    Counselling/ therapeutic treatment or recovery time after blood transfusion or dialysis
    Treatment for physiotherapy (sessional or residential)

    Disability leave may not be used to cover an absence due to ill health.

    I'm also from a commercial background but starting to get my head around it 6 months in!

    On a separate note, do you know of any networks for HR leads in MATs. I tried to identify networks when I first joined but drew a blank.

    I look forward to hearing how you get on.

  • In reply to Marianne:

    Thanks Marianne.

    I've been in post just over a year and tried for the first several months to find a MAT HR network (I'm based just outside of London) but could only find ones for CEOs, Business Managers or Academics.

    Our COO (who attends these meetings also) tells me more and more MATs are bringing HR in-house so hopefully it won't be too long until we see it happening.

    But I'm more than happy to stay in touch - it'd be good to hear about the wins and obstacles you come up against, even if it's just for my sanity and that I'm not the only one wondering how Schools got by all these years with their 'unique' ways!
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Kimberly

    We're on the Herts/Bucks border, where are you?

    Would be great to keep in touch. I'll try connecting with you through the site.
