Good Afternoon,
I'm hoping for some pointers on how to proceed in relation to a member of staff who is refusing to sign an occupational health referral.
The member of staff broke a bone in their back last October, and was off for 3 months. Upon return, we discussed an occ health referral, but the doctor was providing physio, so we didn't proceed at that time (silly us!). We are now a year on, and the member of staff has poor mobility and colleagues have raised concerns about this lack of mobility impacting her ability to do some aspects of the job. Her role is a Nursery Practitioner and she has had no more periods of absence. We asked to carry out an occ health referral but she has said she will not consent. Our staff handbook, which she has signed to accept, includes a section stating we can carry out a referral if we feel it is necessary.
I had planned to write to her (her line manager has held face to face conversations initially) to explain the background and why we are seeking a referral now, as well as our desire to explore any possible adjustments. I will also mention the staff handbook clause.
Does this sound like the right course of action? If the refusal continues, what would be our next course of action?
Any advice would be much appreciated.