Teachers' pensions - break in service to claim

Morning all

I'm new to the Academy world and trying to get my head around teachers' pension - we have a staff member who is of eligible age and wishes to reduce her hours and claim her pension.

We have been advised that in order for her to claim her pension, her contract with us must be terminated before she can claim - we can then re-employ on a new contract, but, there must be a clear break of service of at least 1 day and the hours must be at least 20% less than what she was working before claiming her pension.

Now the reduced hours are of no concern as she will be going from 5 days to 3 days, but, I'm wondering if anyone had, or could point me in the direction of, any further information/guidance on the need to end her contract? We of course got the infamous stance of 'it's the way it's always been' from the pension adviser!

Many thanks


  • Hi Kim

    Would think you need to seek all possible advice and guidance from those who make all these rules and implement them - namely the Teachers Pension Scheme themselves. They have a useful-looking and comprehensive and detailed website but i believe are now outsourced to one of the usual culprits for such often highly retrograde steps
  • As David said you should speak with TPS as they are very helpful. I thought however for phased retirement I think you are referring to did not necessarily need a break in service but you can if you want (maybe saves on time and effort) as well as a break for 1 day isnt going to break any continuous service.
  • Thank you both for your responses.

    Worryingly, this adviser was from TPS. They were telling our staff to terminate the contract and issue a new one with reduced hours with a day's break in between. When I questioned this (as HR), they didn't seem too fussed they were giving advice that could lead to potential claims (at this point we hadn't mentioned the staff member wished to reduce her hours) - "oh you're referring to employment law" being the response!

    I managed to find some fact-sheets on their website, and the phased-retirement seems to be the option they were trying to detail in the end, but again, this was all very vague!
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Kimberley

    Your experiences with TPS shouldn't happen and once upon a time would never have happened - that's the unacceptable - but all too common - face of inept outsourcing by Government