Green Book Sickness Scheme - TTO

Hi all,

Just wanted some clarity regarding the Sickness scheme in the Green book. The entitlements that are stated are in 'months'. I have client querying whether school closures are included in this. I would think yes. Green Book doesn't specify working days only like the Burgundy book. 

Any comments greatly appreciated. 


  • Hi Lily

    Do you mean sick pay entitlement? If so, you pay for a continuous period for that entitlement even if school is closed (staff still receive pay when school is closed).

    If you're counting number of sick days, you only count working days and not school holidays.

    Hope that helps!
  • For Support Staff we do include the number of days a member of staff is off sick during the holidays. (green book) but we don't for teachers.
  • In reply to Donna :

    You shouldn't count non-working days towards sickness - you can't be sick on days you're not supposed to work e.g. weekends.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Kimberley, thanks for this - it is something that I will need to consider and look at but if we have a member of Support Staff who is absent for a period of 6 months receiving full pay - we would include weekends and school holidays - otherwise you could potentially have someone being paid for in excess of 6 actual calendar months. ( I am talking about Occupational sick pay and not SSP at the moment.) For Occupational I think it all depends what your contracts and absence policy say too.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Sorry Kimberley just got me thinking about this but how do you work it - if you have someone who has 6 months full pay entitlement - do you pay them until they have been absent 6 months in working days i..e not including weekends and how do you work that out when it talks about months?
  • In reply to Donna :

    You still cannot be sick on a day you were not meant to work. But this is referring to counting number of days sick days e.g. for triggers. Sick pay should be paid continuously e.g. for a 6 month period, including holidays, as this is their usual pay cycle.

    TBH there's a lot of issues with how this is applied due to staff not being paid for 52 weeks per year but having their pay spread across the whole year, so their day rate is skewed.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    I think we have been at cross purposes then, yes for triggers we would count occurrences or number of working days. I thought Lily's query was pay related - apologies if we have confused you Lily!
  • Thanks both. So in regards to sick pay - school closures are included. For example, if somebody's entitlement is 1 month full pay and they were off from before the Easter break, then the Easter break should be included in this entitlement?
  • In reply to Lily Toppo:

    For Support Staff yes.
  • In reply to Donna :

    Thanks Donna!
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi, Actually you do count non working days as sick days for both support staff and teachers. Example - X works mon, tues and thurs and is off sick mon and tues and returns thurs, you count weds as a sick day. For patrolling purposes, not for absence triggers. Appreciate it seems unfair and a bit odd but that’s their T&C’s!
  • In reply to Sasha:

    Payrolling not patrolling!