Continuous service date

Hi all

can anyone clarify what the definition of Continuous service date means - i.e. how long is an acceptable gap allowed to be whilst maintaining CSD for work related benefits. e.g. if a person left employment on 31st Aug - do they have to start a new post on 1st Sept in order to qualify maintaining their CSD date. 

thank you in advance for your time 

Tracy Smith

Associate CIPD

  • Usually with the same employer a week breaks continuity

    But would be interested in the reason for the question
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith. Views differ depending who you ask ! - so we wanted to see if there was any set timescale for CSD.

    Additionally, e.g. if an employee (school teacher) leaves a prior employment on 31st August and the new employee term starts on 4th September effectively they can maintain their CSD, however we would have expected to pay from 1st September, but would not really have to make any salary payment from 1-3 Sept?
  • In reply to Tracy-Anne Smith:

    There is no practical benefit (bar saving a few pounds in not paying from 1/9 - generally most schools need people to do training , preparation etc rather than just turn up on first day of term.

    I didn't see this was originally in Schools thread. Slightly different rules "may" apply as some Schools employ people under the various agreements giving continuity when transferring between local authority schools where as some of the Academies etc have used their freedom to break away (although many haven't). So are old and new employers both employing under the collective agreements?
  • In reply to Tracy-Anne Smith:

    It is custom and practice for teachers' contracts to end on three dates 30/4, 318/ and 31/12 and start on the three respective dates following.

    Though I have to say this is getting less straightforward with academies and sixth form colleges having different start dates (we simply ask our new teachers to resign with their current employers the day before they start with us- but we would never start them later than 1st September to break service).

    I'd advise against starting contracts on 4th September - the trade unions will be very unhappy about this and it's likely not worth it, just presents you in a bad light as an employer