Casual Support Staff Annual Leave

I wondered what holiday allocation is provided by other schools/academies/local authorities to casual support staff  - particularly I am interested in staff who are hired on a  truly on an ‘as and when required basis’ to cover ad-hoc events (with no obligation to work when requested) and for this reason have been provided with an agreement providing them with 'worker' status (rather than an employment contract providing ‘Green Book’ employment rights).

Is it basic statutory 28 days or do people provide equity with other staff as per the enhanced ‘Green Book’ terms and conditions?

Many thanks

  • We have 12.7% added to their rate of pay to include holiday and sick pay
  • In reply to Joanne A:

    Should be 12.07% for holidays
    0.63% for sick?
  • 12.07% We don’t offer sick pay for casuals.
  • Rolled up Holiday Pay is not legal. The recent case law (Brazel v Harper Trust) means that you have to look back over the last 12 weeks actually worked and then paid their annual leave accordingly -pro Rata.

    There is new Gov.uk guidance which is useful;

    Hope this helps
  • In reply to Alison:

    Hi Alison,
    Thanks for the link.
    Do you know if someone is on a zero hour contract and works varied numbers of days and they want to take less than a week off how is that worked out? Or do they just get paid a week's holiday pay amounts even if they work part of the week?
  • In reply to Joanne A:

    Hi Joanne, doesn't the 12.07% relate to the time allowed off (ie 5.6 weeks) rather than the amount of holiday pay?
    Ie if someone wants to take a week (assuming 40hrs pw) off they need to have worked at approximately 335 hours to accrue that entitlement?
    They would then be paid the week at the average of the previous 12 weeks?
    I find it very confusing!
  • In reply to Vicky:

    Thanks to everyone.
    I believe the 12.07 relates to time off (28 days). However I wondered whether anyone in School provides enhanced holiday for casual staff (e.g. Green Book entitlement) so that they are treated the same as staff who are contracted to work regular hours.