Notice periods

In our contracts at the academy I work it states notice periods of at least 2 months and the last day must coincide with the end of a term.  If someone was to resign tomorrow that would, in my mind, take the person up to the May half term holiday.  However, the Principal is saying that a term is Christmas, Easter or Summer so would want to hold that person in the role until the summer.  This is support staff not teaching and I feel this is massively excessive.  Any views or experience of this?  To me it's also a bit of semantics as to the use of term or semester

  • We don't use it for Support Staff, I can see both views - there are 3 terms, Autumn, Spring and Summer - which is really why there are only 3 leaving dates for teachers but it seems a bit excessive and I would imagine your contracts meant at the end of a term or half term (with it mentioning 2 months notice) A difficult one.
  • Hi Andrea

    We only ask for between 1-3 months notice from support staff, depending on the role.

    However, if that is what your contractual notice period is, the Principal can ask for this.

    I guess the logic is so it has minimal impact on the children/running of the school as most things are managed termly.