No Employment Contracts, No Handbook, No Sickness Records....help!

Hi All,

I have just taken a role as HR Manager at an Independent School. 

The School is just about to celebrate its 30th year and, up until now, they have not had any HR presence. 

There are no contracts of employment in place, no employee handbook, no sickness records, no HR systems or processes.

I have a big task ahead and would be grateful of any support from my fellow CIPDers' who currently work within the education sector.

In terms of the employment contracts, i have various templates from different sources but none specifically designed for independent schools. I understand there are some available in the reference library on the ISBA site but our bursar is currently off for two weeks and no-one else has access to the site.

Could anyone help me get over my first hurdle!?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Nikki

    You sound like me back in September 2016 (first HR professional in 450 years!)! I used the ISBA templates for our new contracts for teaching staff but had my own from a previous company I am using for support staff - happy to send you the templates for both if you would like to send me a contact address?

    Unsure if you have worked in an education/ unionised environment but any changes for teachers will need to be ran past the recognised union if you have one.

  • In reply to Freya:

    Doesn't sound to me like there are any unions there, unless they think it is all in a collective agreement!
  • Hi Nikki, I'm happy to help if you want to contact me directly on this. We've just done quite a lot of work to develop our teaching contract, and I've spent most of this term so far re-writing the staff handbook which is now out to consultation. I'm only five months' in, and while we had quite a lot in place when I arrived, it all needs updating.
  • In reply to Freya:

    Morning Freya!

    Apologies I missed this reply! Notification settings now updated!

    Thank you for your offer of the template contracts. I have sourced teacher contracts now and, like yourself, have support contracts from previous employment. If you don't mind though, it would be useful if I could cast my eye over yours to ensure that I haven't missed anything vital. Happy to share my drafts also.

    Unions reps have always been welcomed to any formal meetings in the past and that will remain but no official recognised Union in place at the moment. ( V Alive to the fact that staff may wish to change that following the release of handbook and contracts!)

    I shall send a contact address to you.

    Thanks again

  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Hi Nina,

    Thank you v much for the offer! Any help and guidance is appreciated!

    Perhaps i can share my e-mail with you and we can chat further?

  • In reply to Nikki Thomas Assoc CIPD:

    Yes of course - it would be great to hear from you.
  • Hi Nikki
    I have also just started at an Independent School where my Manager was the first HR presence so happy to help!