Equal pay

I have a question What is the meaning of discussion on gender pay reporting
  • Hi

    This is a little like your question on redundancy the other day.


    We will need far more information to provide you with a useful answer.

    Best regards.

  • Hi I’m in the assignment of 5eml
    Unit of employment law the quiestion is what is the major requirements of equal pay law I already identified the law relevant to equal pay the equality act 2010, but there is another point said that you should provide a discussion on gender pay reporting..Ididnt answer it yet
  • In reply to U20211002052147243D6:

    Why don't you start by sharing your thoughts on gender pay reporting. Do you think it achieves its aims?
  • In reply to U20211002052147243D6:

    You could do worse than start here

  • I have I identified the Equality act 2010 and I also identified the gender pay gap as a definition and I wrote abouthe gender pay gap in Uk .. I have explained that we should use figures to report the gender pay gap ?
  • In reply to U20211002052147243D6:


    Jist because the figures are needed for official reporting that is only the very beginning.

    In addition to stating the use of resulting figures for reporting any pay gap I would also, at the very least, discuss the implications of any gaps identified.
    E.g whether these gaps can be justified (giving examples of what could be deemed justifications) and if not then what actions
    would be needed to negate the gap and what possible implications these actions would have on the company if carried out. Also, what implications could arise if any unjustifiable gap is ignored with no action being taken.

    If no justifiable gaps are identified then discuss what measures the company can implement to ensure this remains the case in the future.

  • The community here loves to help students getting into our field to better understand the intricacies of what we do. However, we won't do your homework for you. So what we ask students to do is to tell us what they think first - do the work, formulate some ideas and put them into writing.

    We will then be more than happy to tell you whether we agree or disagree and perhaps point you toward other resources you can use to help support your argument or that might offer an alternative perspective.

    In this case, I'll help get you started: the question is really pressing at whether gender pay gap reporting is a constructive step in addressing the issue of the gender pay gap, whether it has had a measurable impact and what weaknesses the system has that could be addressed by future regulation.
  • Thank you but I still didn’t get the idea of what should I write ..
    I wrote that legislation forced the company to make annual report calculations and post them on the website..but I didn’t make a real example and figures ..
    I just want to know if I m at the right truck or not..
    I also talked about the definition of gender report gap
  • In reply to U20211002052147243D6:

    We really can't tell you what to write - you need to come up with your own ideas. We've helped you by asking you some questions that you could think about to help you come up with your own ideas. If you're still struggling to understand the assignment, the best thing to do is to talk to your tutor to see if they can give you more detailed support.
    Kind regards
  • It’s probably also worth noting the difference between pay gap reporting and equal pay, whilst related they are distinct
  • I understood that I will talk about the strength and weaknesses of the gender pay report and the equal pay act ..also I will talk about the gathering data it should be published in the website..I’m I in the right truck
  • In reply to U20211002052147243D6:

    Perhaps a much, much better idea, might be to ask your tutor. As educated and as qualified as many might be on here, it is more than likely that your own tutor will be able to tell you exactly what he/she is after in terms of your answer.