Outsourced Payroll for Independent school with ~250 staff


Our payroll provider will not be supporting Teachers' Pensions returns come April 2022 when they move over to MCR so we are looking for a new provider.

Does anyone have any recommendations?

We don't have any form of HRIS at the moment so ideally, we're looking for someone who provides HR and payroll services



  • Hi Rebecca

    I'm not sure if they offer a HRIS, but we currently use Dataplan for payroll and we have never-ending issues with them and I would not recommend them at all.

    I also haven't heard great things about Civica, and they are very expensive. We recently moved away from them for finance to Access.

    We're currently leaning towards Access for a HRIS and outsourced payroll too.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Rebecca

    Why outsource when you may be able to do it equally as well if not better and probably far cheaper in-house?

    None of it is particularly difficult or costly to implement and operate.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Thanks for your feedback Kimberly as we had been looking at Dataplan!

    I will take a look at Access
  • In reply to David:

    Hi David

    We have considered this but we don't feel we have enough coverage within the department to cover any periods of sickness/leave to bring in house at this stage
  • We have just implemented Civica as our HRIS. We have used FS4S as our provider which is now Juniper Education. The payroll and pension teams there are very helpful. They also have HR support as well but I think that’s an additional service.
  • We're in the process of moving to EPM for payroll - not sure if they offer a full HRIS, but I know there are aspects of the portal that we won't be using because we do have an HRIS in house. We're moving over next month so hard to evaluate at this stage, but the support/set up has been good so far.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    We moved to EPM almost 3 years ago for payroll only. I would ensure there's regular feedback to their managers to resolve any issues.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Hi Kimberly, we use Access. Happy to give some feedback if you PM me.
  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Hi Rebecca, we use Access, you are welcome to PM me.
  • In reply to Alex:

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you, I would really appreciate your feedback as we have had an initial meeting with Access and I was quite surprised by the length of their implementation process.

    Would you mind PMing me with you feedback? (I don't seem to be able to PM you directly)

    Thank you
  • Hi Rebecca,

    We've just transitioned to Teeside and their service is excellent. Would fully recommend them. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss it in more detail.
  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Hi Rebecca, we are currently looking into Access - would you be able to share your feedback?
  • In reply to Danielle:

    Hi Danielle, has the service from Juniper changed? We are with Juniper and I’m curious because we have constant issues with their Payroll. Communication with pensions is not so good either.