Covid restrictions for Sept 22

Good afternoon

I am seeking opinions on what your plans are re: covid restrictions for September 22.   We are currently still asking staff to self isolate for 5 days if they test positive and whilst usual sick pay entitlements apply, we do have a small group of staff who are paid SSP only, so at the moment we are topping up their sick pay to compensate for being asked to isolate.

We are considering removing the requirement to isolate for 5 days, so that staff can return so long as they are feeling well and we can cease the topping up where applicable, but am keen to seek opinions on that?

We have also observed that the staff who are still testing (testing obviously being much more difficult now) and so are aware that they are positive, are often the same staff that experience higher levels of absence.  Am I being pessimistic or has anyone else experienced similar?

Many thanks in advance


  • We ask people to stay away for 5 days and work from home (if their role makes it possible for do so and then only if they feel well enough) if they have covid related symptoms, or test positive.
    We pay full pay for this absence, regardless of sick pay entitlement (which is service based)
    We haven't found that anyone appears to be abusing this, and although we will be reviewing things shortly, I suspect that we will extend it further.
  • At sone point we are all going to have to treat covid like any other disease. The trick is of course calling when that is. I am in the earlier rather than latter came.
  • In reply to Keith:

    I agree - we keep everything very low key. Unfortunately, the media and the NHS to a certain extent, don't seem keen to let that happen. even though excess deaths for non covid reasons vastly exceed covid ones, the focus still seems to be on trying to portray covid as inherently dangerous to everyone but the very young and fit.