Covid-Positive staff and students

Hi all

Can I take a quick poll on what other schools/MATS are doing with regards to staff/students who test positive for Covid? Although testing is no longer mandatory, we have had a handful of colleagues and students who have tested positive recently.

Are you still requiring people who test positive to remain away from work/school for 5 days or 3 days if a child? Obviously if people don't test then we don't know whether they're positive or not, but some people still are, and it's difficult to know what to do for the best now the guidance is 'try to stay away' from others.


  • I don't work in the public sector, but we are not allowing staff who test positive to come into the workplace for 5 days - paid, whether or not they can work from home.
  • Follow Government guidance. Keeps it simple and no one can blame you!
    One school was still enforcing the five days away business - when asked why, and where the advice had come from, surprise! no one knew...
    If they are too sick to work, then treat it like any other illness. If they know they are positive and can work from home, I'd do that. If they feel ok, I'd be urging them to utilise masks etc, and keep a weather eye on the risk assessments that were done for anyone CEV in particular, but at this point, if they are healthy enough to be working, they should be working, just as they would with a cold, or MSK issue...
  • In reply to Michelle Gillian Jones:


    You say 'follow government guidance'.

    The Government Guidance (not mandated) is as follows and I see no reason other than to take this guidance on board.

    What to do if you've tested positive for COVID-19
    If you have COVID-19, you can pass on the virus to other people for up to 10 days from when your infection starts. Many people will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days.

    You should:

    try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days
    avoiding meeting people at higher risk from COVID-19 for 10 days, especially if their immune system means they’re at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, even if they’ve had a COVID-19 vaccine
    This starts from the day after you did the test.