Part-time Teacher Bank Holiday 19th September

Hello all, I've had a few queries from part-time teachers who don't usually work Mondays who are expecting to get time in lieu for Monday 19th additional bank holiday. Has anyone else taken this approach? I interpreted the guidance as there being no requirement to give lieu time because the working days have been reduced overall but no reduction in salary? Any help would be great, thanks.

  • Hi there, that's correct it was down to a "local" decision. We had some employees who didn't take the day off for various reasons, to keep it equal and fair and just generally as a gesture we have added it to their holiday entitlement for this year. Albeit none of them are part time. The decision is entirely the employers.
  • Hi Alison

    Although the required teaching days have been reduced from 190 to 189, if a part time teacher doesn't work on a Monday then their pro-rata'd working days won't have reduced, as they will still be working their usual number of days for w/c 19 September (ie, if they work 4 days per week they will still be working Tues-Fri, and over the year that still equates to 152 days as a proportion of 190, rather than 151.2 days as a proportion of 189, meaning they'd be working a higher proportion of days than a full timer).

    We're looking at providing a pro-rata'd amount of time for those who don't work Mondays, either paid or in lieu, depending on the cost of cover etc.

    Are you in a local authority area which has provided any guidance so you can get a steer on what other schools/academies in your area are doing?
  • In reply to Katie Dent:

    Thanks for this - I haven't seen anything from LAs, just the LGA guidance for Green Book employees. I have explained to our part-time teachers that they will need to look at their working hours across the year to check if they have done their pro-rata equivalent of 189 days. Seems in line with your approach so thanks for explaining.
  • We offered staff either paid leave or simply payment for the hours and gave them option to pick, given the fact that we are talking hours (not days) and that any leave will have to be approved in line with school needs anyway it didn't seem much of an issue

    My understand of the reduction in the school year, this was done so that teachers don't have to teach an additional day to make up for the bank Holiday, which is why the the yearly days was reduced
  • Hi

    We had the same queries, we are an academy but our LA provided some useful guidance for calculating the pro-rata bank holidays for Teachers and Support Staff. I have some documents I can share but I don't think I can upload it. Can any admins help and I'll share it?
  • Hi

    We had the same queries, we are an academy but our LA provided some useful guidance for calculating the pro-rata bank holidays for Teachers and Support Staff. I have some documents I can share but I don't think I can upload it. Can any admins help and I'll share it?