Vetting Checks for Home to School Drivers


For those schools operating a home to school bus service through an external transport provider please could you tell me what your procedures are for confirming or undertaking vetting checks.

Thank you.

  • Hi April

    The school staffing regs & KCSIE details what checks a contractor is required to undertake if in regulated activity, and how they communicate it with you.
  • Procedure is for the company that we use to confirm the checks completed for our SCR - which mirror those for an employed member of staff, given the access to pupils built into the role. Where a DBS is delayed for any reason, leading to the need for a risk assessment, the School does the barred list check (as I understand that the company now cannot do this itself).

    Responsibility is with the third party provider to confirm to us the checks have been done (for each member of staff rather than just a general assurance for 'all the staff'), and our SCR records the date that we're informed that the checks are complete.

    Hope that helps.

  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thanks, Nina. Do you ask to see ID documents for each driver too?
  • In reply to April:

    Yes, ID for anyone vetted by an external company the first time they come to site - just to be sure that the person in front of us is the person whose checks have been completed.