Starting the Trust - SoD


I've taken on a Trustee role (as an HR professional with HR as my lead specialism on the Board) for an emerging MAT where we will have 10 schools (mainly primary, one secondary) if all schools are comfortable in passing resolution to apply next month.

As Trustees we're developing our SoD and I wondered if anyone had any practical experience as 'on the ground' HR management in things to look out for and make sure we have covered in our delegation or within policies when there's a large number of schools coming in with many of their own current systems and processes?

Thank you!

  • Not in schools, but in HE. For heaven's sake, make sure you provide sufficient delegation that you don't create a casework bottleneck with one senior person ultimate responsible for every decision. Give line managers the authority to dismiss their subordinates.
  • I think this is a really central task in a new MAT and one not to be taken lightly. Fundamentally this document will settle where the power lies between the various Heads, the various local governing bodies, the central Trust and the CEO. It will define in many ways your culture.

    So rather than starting with the detail I would be leading a discussion on how centralised / uniform you want to be against how federated? Is there a strong guiding mind behind the new MAT (possibly the secondary school head) and what are their views? How have you sold this to the Local Governing Bodies and what are they expecting in terms of their own power which inevitably will be reduced under your SoD - but by how much.

    I have sat on two MAT Boards and one was heavily federated so a lot of power was left with local heads and Governing bodies and the other was heavily centralised and the local Governing Bodies were largely consultative forums.

    Its that I would be debating as the key issue

    Welcome to the Communities and good luck on your new endeavour. The world of MATs is a fascinating one.