Headteacher Appraisals

Hi everyone, 

Relatively new to the world of education. In the Trust I work at teachers and headteachers pay progressions are linked to their appraisals. Appraisals are to be completed by 31st October. Objectives are to be met to secure pay progression. My question is, if a headteacher has been absent through poor health for 6 months of the year can we allow a further 6 months to complete objectives and secure pay progression in 6 months time? I have read through everything I can think may include clauses obstructing us to do this but haven't yet found anything. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. 

Many Thanks

  • Hi Joanne

    This sets out the basics as applied to typical LA school.

    Would think such a decision should be left to the Governors, but pointing out to them before they make it that it might be fairer to compensate for the absence in as neutral a way as possible and not let the absence postpone any pay increase - especially in these inflationary times. Not only that, but *if* (maybe a big one but possible?) the absence reasons amount to an Equality Act protected characteristic / disability, putting them to a detriment just because of the absence might even be unlawful.
  • In reply to David:

    Thank you David, Yes the Governors will make the decision. I was concerned I was missing something in the STPCD. Great advice, Thank you
  • In reviewing pay proposals as a governor, we always used to deal with absence (for maternity/paternity/sickness) based on the period of work that could be evaluated. If they'd made reasonable progress in the time that they were at work, we'd assume that they would have continued to do so but for the absence, so would award the increase. If they'd done nothing and were intending to leave it to the 11th hour, then they would have no evidence for us to base the award on.

    Equally if they'd missed the whole year, we'd have to work on the basis of previous years.