Equality training- appropriate language in the workplace

Hi All,

Can any one recommend where I can access/ find equality training. Specifically training on the use of appropriate language in the workplace for a member of staff.

Many Thanks


  • Hi Raiela

    If you're located anywhere near this firm's branches, can recommend them specifically:

  • Do they really need training?

    Isn't it possible for someone to simply tell them that their language is inappropriate?

    I assume you are talking about swear words and so on?
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Morning David,

    Most of it is common sense , however this particular member of staff was involved in a disciplinary hearing and one of the outcomes of the hearing is for that member of staff to attend equality training on what is acceptable language in the workplace and that banter is not acceptable and how others can or would find this sort of language offensive.
  • In reply to David:

    Hi David,

    Thank you, we are based in the West Midlands.
  • There are many EDI consultancies - Inclusive Employers are good, and EW group. They can design sessions to meet your needs.
  • Hello Raiela,

    Have you tried LinkedIn learning or Udemy?
    Also, you could try in-house training with your HR on company tone of voice and acceptable /not acceptable use of language if you have policies in that area.
  • In reply to Maryam:

    Thank you Jane and Maryam
  • One Education offer excellent courses in this area, we have done both face to face whole school training and online refresher training, both are very good content.