Legal protection in schools

Hi all,

I'm wondering what legal protection model your schools (specifically Independent schools / MATs) have in place?

Historically our schools have had a legal firm on retainer, i.e. pay annually for set number of hours, insurance etc. However, recently I am struggling with their approach.

I'm aware that there are better/cheaper alternatives but the schools have had this relationship with the legal firm for 20+ years, so appreciate there is some loyalty but apart from being expensive, I am struggling at times to get rapid advice, or getting a helpful response rather I am getting risk averse advice which is not what we need most of the time!

  • Hi Leela,

    We are a local authority school that uses solicitors firms for advice, and they have been pretty good however I have noticed that sometimes I have to push for advice on a particular desired outcome rather than ask them what they think we should do, otherwise they tend to give risk-averse advice. If I say to them 'we are looking to dismiss' following giving them the background they then run through the pros and cons of each method.

    It might be worth speaking to someone at the firm maybe? the person who deals with your contract and provide feedback. at least then you know you have let them know and allowed them to implement changes so you can get the advice you actually need rather than what they want to give. I'm not sure if you are in a standalone HR role but it can be draining calling up a solicitor and having them tell you things that you can read up on yourself online or on this forum!

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    1 Feb, 2023 10:28

    I thought this had been asked previously but I've just spent 10 minutes searching through the archive to no avail.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve, it wouldn't surprise me if it had. Thanks for looking though, I know in industry where my background is mostly, I'm used to a slightly different approach, education is a completely different to where I've come from!
  • I've never kept a legal firm on retainer, in the schools I've worked in. However, I've definitely experienced variety in the legal advice I've received, that I'd be happy to chat through offline. I think there is sometimes a view that paying more for something means it is automatically high quality - but I have found that responsive, pragmatic advice in a quick conversation or email exchange is usually what I need.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thanks Nina, this is absolutely what I need and what I'm used to, but instead I am being caught up back and forth with our current legal advisors. I'd be happy to chat offline, thank you.
  • Hi Leila

    Not sure whether I can recommend here, but very happy for you to PM me.