Staff member self-harming

Good afternoon

Does anyone have any practical advice for supporting a member of staff who is or recently has been self-harming?

We have recently had a case (and are still working through the steps) where an employee disclosed they had self-harmed in school (not in the presence of students).   We completed a LADO referral and OH referral, but both basically just said to risk assess the situation and manage in school.

It would be great to hear from anyone who has successfully managed a staff member in a similar situation as at the moment a healthy and sustained return to work seems a long way off.   How did you manage the potential risk to students whilst supporting the employee.

Any guidance gratefully received.

Kind regards

  • What a difficult situation! No, I've not dealt with this specifically, but I have dealt with staff who have suicidal thoughts and it's very hard. Hard to manage in schools, and hard on you - so think about your own oxygen mask in all this.

    Two things I'd comment on - firstly it doesn't sound like your OH support has been particularly helpful. Our doctor is good at advising about whether someone should be at work, and what processes we need in place if they are here. Secondly, do you have a school counsellor on site? In a previous role the support of an onsite counsellor has been invaluable.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thank you Nina. I am possibly being a little harsh on OH. They have advised that the employee is currently too unwell to work, but the other advice just points to a risk assessment. The LADO also suggested floating risk assessment, it is just the getting inside that, that is proving difficult.

    Thankfully we do have on-site counselling support and supported health care, so all the support options are available, I just can't get past the day to day operational side of things and I would hate for us to have missed something that might make the difference.
  • Hi,

    So sorry to hear about this situation.

    From a safeguarding perspective of the employee has their GP been contacted?

    I’d also complete the risk assessment.

    I would also ask the employee to refer themselves to Access to Work. Here are the details:


    Although a sad situation, as Nina said, you need to put on your own oxygen mask, but also protect the pupils.

    Good luck! I hope the employee gets the help they need.