Essentials for an induction pack?

Hello CIPD Community!

I am designing a new induction pack / process for my secondary school and was wondering where to start?

So far I've created an induction presentation, induction checklist and have also included school calendars and the staff handbook. I've also included safeguarding training and guidance. 

I'm keen to know what you have in your induction pack and what your induction process looks like. How do you measure it's success?

Looking forward to hearing your responses.


  • Hi Chelsea

    We have several short presentations that have been put together and they are shown at our inductions. I created one of them which is on the use of IT equipment, it has information on IT security, the systems used, obtaining required access, reporting a fault, company policy on intranet and internet use and also guidance around information governance. We also have an online platform where certain information can be accessed.

    That's about as much as I can advise you, I know it's not much but I hope it helps.


  • Hi Chelsey

    Things to consider:

    An induction map, detailing what needs to be booked, with whom, how long those session need to be and roughly when in the lifecycle. We send a detailed list of who/what/when to each new starter.

    Induction FAQ's for new starters, with a bit of a summary of what they've attended and the key points to refer.

    Induction guidance for managers, what do they need to take responsibility for, what do you in HR take responsibility for, what's expected of everyone on a new starters first day etc

    The BIGGEST thing we've implemented is a manager calling their new starter the week before, informally to talk through any questions (and subliminally kill off as many new job anxieties as possible).

    To be really comprehensive, in my org we do the following sessions:
    Facilities induction (bit of health and safety, tour, buildings, fire escapes, first aid etc)
    IT induction, getting set up on equipment
    HR systems
    Line Manager meeting
    Buddies (always a favorite :))
    Managers HR systems (if a line manager, approving leave, logging absence)
    New starter coffee mornings (group everyone up to welcome)
    Meet SLT
    Meet Senior Managers

    More than happy to talk you through how we record compliance and how we survey in more detail

    Hope that's helpful

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve that's great. Grinning
  • In reply to Guy:

    Hi Gee,

    Thank you for this insight. I think presentations are great as they are engaging and you can get a lot of information in whilst still being visually appealing.

  • In reply to Tim Patrick:

    Hi Tim,

    Some fantastic ideas here and I'll definitely be taking inspiration as I feel that our induction process is lacking in places and is a bit of a grey area in regard to who does what so it needs a bit of a tweak. I love the idea of buddying and it's something I will speak to the Head about trying out as we are currently recruiting for posts for the next academic year so it would be a good place to start having an influx of new employees.

    I would appreciate if you could let me know compliance and surveying as I think our school needs to focus more on data and measuring success of processes. We certainly aren't taking advantage of feedback opportunities enough so it will be interesting to hear how you are doing it. Blush

    Many thanks,
  • In reply to Chelsey:

    Hi Chelsey

    I use a lot of MS Forms (we're using the Microsoft family of software) where we send the electronic form to the recipient, they fill in the form (one per each session where there's content...not for the meet & greets! seems excessive?) and it automatically prints the receipt into their personnel file for us to say they've attended and have agreed / understand etc.

    In terms of feedback, similar - forms, they have built in metrics, we did do it manually and am happy to support with best practice on creating a manual process.

    Happy to take the convo offline if helpful?
    Best Wishes
