Part Time, Term Time Only Leavers - Holiday Pay

We are finding our payroll provider offers inconsitent advice in relation to term time only staff who leave part way through the year. We would like to agree a consistent way of calculating this.

How do you calculate holiday pay for leavers who are TTO, paid over 12 months.

Guidance would be much appreciated!

  • Hi Rachel

    There are some threads on here already about TTO holiday pay, however, assuming you are referring to support staff, you can work out holiday entitlement the same way as an any other employee - by using the number of working weeks up until the leave date against a full year's working weeks e.g. 20 weeks / 38 weeks x (pro rated) holiday entitlement.

    Just remember staff are paid holiday entitlement as part of their salary, so you will then need to look at whether they have been over or under paid (normally the latter but there are the odd leave dates throughout the year that can result in an overpayment).

    Hope that helps!