Re-Interviewing for similar post

We recently interviewed for a Designated Learning Support Assistant and had an impressive candidate who was ultimately unsuccessful. We now have four new DLSA vacancies and are wondering whether we would need to re-interview this same candidate, or whether we could just offer them one of the four positions.

I'm concerned about equal opportunity and ensuring that all candidates have the same opportunity to be shortlisted and appointed. However, as there are three other positions available which can be applied and interviewed for, would this change the situation at all?

  • Why on earth would you re-interview them for the role, wasting their time and yours? If they were appointable, and a good candidate and the job is the same - I'd simply offer it to them. Think about how ridiculous it would feel to them, to go through the same process just to show that they'd done it in parallel with everyone else.
  • Totally 100% agree with Nina.

    To re-interview would just be a pointless exercise in determining what you already know - they are suitable.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    13 Jul, 2023 13:40

    In reply to David Perry:

    they didn't get the job first time round though but maybe it was a close run thing and not due to anything that would cause concerns second time round :)
  • hi, how long ago did you interview this candidate?
  • Hi Nicholas,

    Our school has done this before. We had a lady come in for an interview for an Attendance Officer role but during the interview she realised that she was not cut out for the job as she didn't realise what it entailed. We did however offer her a position as Welfare Assistant as we knew she would be a great fit. Re-interviewing isn't necessary, especially because you are hiring for the exact same role. I'd say as long as you have previous interview notes/applications etc for the person to evidence that they have been interviewed previously it would be fine.

    Hope this helps,