Pre-employment medical checks (education setting)

Hi all

Just wondering what you all do in terms of medical checks on new recruits in order to remain compliant?

Currently we ask new starters to complete a pre-employment medical questionnaire which goes directly to an OH service for review.

Is this strictly necessary in order to be legally compliant?  Could we simply ask new starters to disclose any conditions/medical needs to us (post offer acceptance obviously), and then refer anyone with any conditions to OH separately for any recommendations on how to accommodate?  

I'm interested to know what other schools/colleges do?  

  • Our offer letters contain the following wording:
    I confirm that there is no mental or physical health concern that would impact on my ability to undertake this role. [*Please get in touch with Nina Waters, HR Director, in confidence if there is any concern that you would like to discuss or where the school may be able to support you with reasonable adjustments.]

    We then have a brief questionnaire during our onboarding process that confirms there are no mental or physical health grounds that mean that they may not be able to undertake the role, details any medication being taken, and lists any periods of sickness absence lasting more than 2 weeks in the last 5 years. They are given the opportunity to speak in confidence to me or to our nurse.

    Any issues that we are uncertain about would be referred to OH or our doctor.
  • Pretty much agree with Nina here, the wording then supplement with a Med Questionnaire, shift some ownice onto the ee to inform the er as to changes and anything that you are uncertain on definitely refer to OH.
  • The Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance requires employers to verify the candidate’s mental and physical fitness to carry out their work responsibilities as part of the vetting process. A job applicant can be asked relevant questions about disability and health in order to establish whether they have the physical and mental capacity for the specific role.
    I hope this helps!