We have an employee who is on a Fixed Term contract., going on maternity soon and the contract runs out while she is on Maternity.
Can she be made a leaver or does she have rights under her Maternity Protected rights
We have an employee who is on a Fixed Term contract., going on maternity soon and the contract runs out while she is on Maternity.
Can she be made a leaver or does she have rights under her Maternity Protected rights
In reply to Shelly M :
Hi Shelly
SMP is one thing; protected rights during ML another,
Non-renewal of a FTC can usually be only for reason either of redundancy or SOSR eg if to cover for another person off sick or on ML but unless it clearly was SOSR then usually it's redundancy. If redundancy then can't see why Regulation 10 protection wouldn't apply, irrespective of either the FTC or non eligibility for SMP from employer
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