Teachers setting cover work

Hi all

I am exploring what others are doing in terms of Teachers setting cover work for planned and/or unplanned absences.

Currently we ask, wherever possible, that cover work is set.  Where cover work is not set it would invariably fall to a colleague to set work so that a Cover Supervisor can deliver the lesson.   I am mindful of the additional workload this creates for the Head of Dept, but also where someone is sick it is not always possible to send in cover work.

I am hoping to explore what other academies and Trusts do.  If anyone can point me towards any specific schools based documents that touch on this I would be grateful.

Thank you

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    19 Sep, 2023 09:03

    Hi Alex... isn't this for the Headteacher to deal with?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve,

    I work in a Multi-Academy Trust and we seem to have inconsistencies across our academies so was curious to see what other academies do...
  • Both schools I have worked in expect the absent teacher to provide cover (if planned - and if possible where unplanned). Where they can't do so, it would fall to the HoD to supply relevant lesson materials.
  • How far in advance are your lessons planned?

    Our schools use the same lesson plans but tailor for the specific needs of their class e.g. SEN pupils. All our classes use the same slides, show reels etc.

    The Year Team Leader oversees this, so if someone is off, planned or unplanned, the bulk of the work is ready to go and the YTL will be able to provide the details to the cover teacher.