In reply to Jayati Kohli :
Hi Jayati,In reply to Harry:
In our school we ask all new starters to complete a Declaration of Medical Fitness - basically:In reply to Nina Waters:
That's the sort of questionnaire that you need to be careful with as non clinicians are collecting clinical data and making clinical decisions. There's new ICO guidance published at the end of August 23 about processing information about workers' health which is quite an important read. One of their examples is about health questionnaires and says: "It is good practice for health professionals to design health questionnaires. This also means the questionnaires should be interpreted by those who are qualified to draw meaningful conclusions from the information supplied by the worker."In reply to Harry:
I agree, which is why we use our school nurse or our associated doctor if making any health decisions about staff (and only with their involvement). We allow the individual to self-define whether there is any reason why they can't do the job, and proceed on that basis. We are legally obliged to check on medical fitness for people working in schools, but the advice we've taken is that we can ask the person to declare if there's anything we need to know.In reply to Nina Waters:
You're very lucky to have a school nurse in house, I know a lot of schools who'd be very envious of you :) As long as they are occupational health trained (or the supervising doctor is) and assess against the Fitness to Teach Guidelines, then they would be fine to do that. They would need to receive the questionnaires directly though, and they should be making the ultimate determination on an employee's fitness to work, not the member of staff themselves, so I would definitely suggest you amending that bit slightly.In reply to Harry:
We are lucky yes!In reply to Nina Waters:
It's interesting to hear that they provide guidance that directly contradicts the DfE guidance on Fitness to Teach, and the ICO guidance on data protection law.In reply to Harry:
Hi Harry,In reply to Nina Waters:
Of course - we only have them in PDF format, but if you drop me your contact details I'm happy to send them over. They date back to 1999 / 2000, so they're quite old, and elements of them really could do with updating, but it's the most recent guidance available on occupational health / fitness for work within the education, so we are obliged to refer back to them for all of our education based work (and we do a LOT).In reply to Jayati Kohli :
Hi Jayati, can you share this template with me please? the main CIPD website
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