Sick pay V SSP

We have various contracts in circulation due to the age of the school and we have had a query from a member of staff in relation to holiday pay.

She is on an old contract (2005) which states that she is entitled to SSP.

Newer contracts 2014 onwards - give company sick pay from 1 years service. 

She is not very happy that newer staff get this benefit and she is asking that those employed on old contracts have them updated to the newer contracts.

With many variations over the years to contracts we have stuck by the information in staff contracts and we have to look at individual contracts to advise on what is required in relation to payroll. 

I can see the unfairness in this as she is a loyal employee who has never had absence due to illness in all the years but we need to be consistent with what is in contracts. What would be your advise/ suggestion on this??

  • Why do you need to be consistent with what's in the contracts if what's in the contracts is so clearly unfair and unreasonable?

    Generally newer colleagues have worse T&Cs than existing staff not better

    Clearly if her overall package is vastly superior I would point that out but if most/all other terms are the same then I would see no sensible reason to hold this particular line