1265 calendar - teacher breaks

Hi All, 

Just wondering what people's experience is of the 1265 calendar - our Headteacher has never included breaks within the calculation as per STPCD, the in-house Union rep is querying this and is bringing in the area rep to meet with the Headteacher. If we add in 15 mins break per day, there isn't enough time in the year to ensure we cover the necessary training, meetings etc. 

We have one 15 break after period 2 in the morning then a lesson period 3, then 45 mins lunch. The rep is only querying the morning break, not lunch. During that morning break, staff are 'unavailable' although its not enough time to go home, often staff leave the building to go the shop. Are we being unreasonable not including breaks? What does everyone else do? 

My Headteacher is wondering whether to shift the day, scrap morning break (which would probably be unfair on the students) and have an hour at lunchtime instead. 

Any thoughts please. 



  • Hi Jenny

    The 1265 is directed time e.g. working time, thus does not include break times. In most of our schools we have one hour lunch and a 15 minute break and this time is not included in directed time. If you follow the national T&Cs, they state that a reasonable break should be taken between 12pm-2pm.

    In one of our schools a few years back, we had a new TU rep who made a hoo-ha bout the 15 minute break becoming directed time so staff could go home 15 minutes earlier. The HT ended up agreeing to this, but then staff were given work tasks during the break time, which the TU rep tried to argue and took higher up the chain - in the end the rep was told by her Tu we were in fact correct and they had to back down. Needless to say staff were not amused with the rep as they had stated that they would not need to work during the now directed break time!
