Absence Reporting Calculations

Hi everyone,

I'm after a bit of guidance if possible.

We historically used Bradford Scores to report on absence monitoring, and then moved to working time lost calculations a little over a year ago. It has been difficult to find bench marking for working time lost calculations and I wondered what other schools and academies do to report on absences for Governors/SLT.

Any guidance would be wonderful as I think we might need to move away to something that provides more insight. 

Many thanks in advance.


  • My personal view on this and this is entirely from my own personal experiences, the Bradford score is easy to calculate and simple. It makes sense and that's enough. The more complex you make this the more difficult it will be for your staff to follow this. WTLCs are good and widely used in the Manufacturing concerns in the US, but depending on your industry they could be absolutely catastrophic. Imagine implementing this in a creative agency. Maybe shifting back to the Bradford Score could be a possible fix to this. My personal opinion entirely. Good Luck !