Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone in a Multi-Academy Trust has a business plan template (staffing adjustment) they would be happy to share with me please?
Thanks in advance
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone in a Multi-Academy Trust has a business plan template (staffing adjustment) they would be happy to share with me please?
Thanks in advance
Joanne said:Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone in a Multi-Academy Trust has a business plan template (staffing adjustment) they would be happy to share with me please?
Thanks in advance
Hello, My Milestone Card
I can suggest that Multi-Academy Trusts often have strategic documents available online. For example, the Arden Multi Academy Trust has a strategic plan that outlines their vision and operational focus, which could serve as a reference. Additionally, Nexus Multi Academy Trust provides a strategic business plan that includes improvement strategies and financial sustainability. You might find these documents helpful as a starting point for creating your own business plan.
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