Closing of Email & IT Accounts for Leavers

Just had this one thrown at me.  In previous schools, as Bursar, I never got involved in this kind of thing as the IT Department handled it.

As expected at the end of a year we have some leavers who have resigned/retired.  These are joined by a few who were made redundant in a restructuring earlier in the year.  For all their last day of employment is 31 Aug 24, and all are working notice.

Some are in Admin roles and will physically be doing their jobs until 31 Aug, less any leave.  I said to IT that all their accounts need to remain open until then & they should keep their equipment.  This is happening & all dandy.

For the remainder I asked IT what precedent was & suggested it might be worth recovering equipment and closing accounts on the INSET day after the end of term on Thursday, less a couple who were doing handover work to successors.  IT didn't consult with me and told all leaving teaching staff that all their systems access would cease on Thursday, which has caused a furore.

I have two questions:

1.  Is there any legal reason why staff should have full systems access and all their IT equipment until 31 Aug 24 when their contracts end regardless of whether they will be doing any work after 4 Jul 24?

2.  Some of those made redundant have been causing merry hell since (I recommended disciplinaries which if upheld I understand would have meant they didn't get their redundancy pay if dismissed, but this wasn't followed up) and I am concerned about potential misuse of systems.  Can I remove the access and equipment from them before 31 Aug 24 with no comeback?

  • 1. If equipment is not a benefit and is only provided to carry out work, and work has ceased, particularly for teachers/TTO staff who are not handing over, you can ask for the return of equipment, however, we leave email and HRIS access open until the last day of employment. We stop access to things like CPOMS, Arbor etc;

    2. For those who are redundant, the above would apply, however, if there are concerns of misuse of email during the school holidays, then we would block and arrange for them to come in at an arranged time to recover any personal information under supervision.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Thank you, Kimberley. I will feed back to IT accordingly.
  • We tend to deal with this on a case by case basis - a member of staff who is likely to be dealing with emails during the summer holidays (think those responding to parental issues, GCSE/A level results etc) may well need their laptops till the end of August. Others can probably cope with access to emails only, which doesn't need a specific device.

    What I would say is that if someone is handing back all their equipment and 'signing off' as it were without any intention to look at their emails again - then there needs to be some kind of agreed protocol in place for their OOO email response. In particular, with regard to DSAR messages, which you really wouldn't want to sit there and not be responded to.

    In your situation, I'd probably ask them to detail what work they will be carrying out on behalf of the school during the holidays and make a decision on each based on their response. There is a clear business need for the equipment to be returned before the new term starts, so that it can be cleared down and given to the successor so they can prepare - so my presumption would be that it's returned unless there's a good reason to do otherwise.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thank you, Nina. IT subsequently said that they normally leave all return of equipment and closing of accounts until the last day of contract and then the staff bring things in as they finish doing work over summer.

    I am slightly ticked off by this as it's me who has been in firing line & the Helpdesk Manager could just have told me this! Anyway, situation resolved so appreciate the advice :)