Removal of performance related pay for teachers

Hi All, 

Just after some thoughts from other academies in relation to the removal of performance related pay progression.

Historically, in our academy, teachers on main scale have automatically progressed each year anyway so no change there for us. Teachers on the upper pay band have had to apply for progression to the next point and needed two years worth of appraisals so have only been able to apply every two years. 
My Headteacher is wondering how other schools are approaching the removal of performance based progression in the upper pay band
We will expect people to apply for threshold, but for staff already in the upper pay band she is considering doing something different and keeping an element of performance related pay in the policy or adding in additional pay points and/or still keeping the progression bi-annually. I'm thinking by doing this, we may make ourselves less attractive to our employees and potential employees if we steer too far away from the STPCD so I'm just wondering what everyone else is doing. Does everyone follow the three pay points of the upper band and will teachers progress annually in the upper pay band automatically from now on in your schools? 
Any thoughts or insight would be much appreciated!
  • Hi Jenny

    We use the national pay grades and have a two year rule for UPS but staff do not have to apply, it is processed automatically.

    We do recognise exceptional performance, and staff on UPS can be "accelarated" and move up after one year, or those on MPS can progess two grades in one year.

    We do have a number of staff who request not to move from MPS to UPS as they do no want to take on a whole school responsibility.

    Staff who are on formal capabilty do not progress.

    Hope that helps!

  • In reply to Kimberly:

    Thanks Kimberley, that sounds like a good approach.